Requirements to Become A Paralegal
How To Become a Legal Secretary

All criminal justice careers have requirements, but you can overcome them! Learn the requirements to become a paralegal & read my story on becoming a legal secretary

Like most of the other professions in the criminal justice world, the the obstacles to become a paralegal are based more on education than experience.

But the road to employment for paralegals isn't nearly as arduous as you might think.

First, let's answer the most basic question: what is a paralegal?

A paralegal is a member of the system of law and order that is responsible for most of the duties of any attorney, but not all of them.

A few things an attorney can do that a paralegal isn't qualified for are:

  • Initiating professional relationships with clients
  • Setting fees for clients
  • Providing independent legal advice for clients
  • Trying a case in a court of law

So what can they do? And, what is it that we do?

A paralegal is basically a well-educated, well-trained, and in the matter of legal issues, well-versed assistant to the attorney.

With all of the paperwork, research, and interviews required of an attorney for any given case, no one person would be able to do all the work associated with researching and trying a case.

In comes the paralegal.

The attorney will assign a lot of these duties to a paralegal to assist him or her in the pursuit of justice.

But before becoming a paralegal, there are some hurdles you must jump.

In the following sections, we'll go into more details about the specific requirements to become a paralegal. Then, you can see if this is a profession that interests you.

Requirements to Become a Paralegal: Jumping the Hurdles

A paralegal doesn't necessarily have to have a degree to get a job, but your chances of employment are far greater if you do have one.

What is necessary is that you become certified.

Whether you are seeking a bachelor's degree, an associate's degree, or the minimal paralegal certification, you have many options before you on how to meet the requirement to become a paralegal.

One option is to go to a campus-based university, college, or community college to earn your education. This may be the best course of action if you have no other life obligations (such as a home, a family, and bills to pay). Students just coming out of high school, who have the money to go to such a school, will more often than not pick this road.

But there is another option.

For many folks out there, it may not even be an option to attend a traditional university. Financial and family obligations might be too many.

Those life obligations may be too various or too important to allow you to do so.

So, why not earn your degree from an online school?

You can meet the requirements to become a paralegal in less time (as little seven months), for less money (as much as ten times less), and without leaving your home, family, or day job if you decide to attend an Internet-based institution.

Find a School!

Think a career in criminology is for you?

Then start here & find a school for you!

If you are interested in fulfilling the requirements to become a paralegal through an online education, take a look at the websites for the following great colleges and universities. You may just find exactly what you never knew you were looking for.

  • Kaplan University
  • Everest College
  • Rasmussen College
  • Colorado Technical University
  • Argosy University
  • American InterContinental University

Find a School!

Think a career in criminology is for you?

Then start here & find a school for you!

Requirements to Become a Paralegal: Is it Right For You?

Do you have what it takes to become a paralegal?

Are you willing to spend long hours on a case?

Can you maintain a sharp and clear focus while sifting through countless legal documents for research information or accuracy?

Do you have the desire to do something with your work life that is worthwhile and makes a difference in the world?

Do you want to earn an average salary of $40,000 with the chance of making more than $60,000 in a year with hard work and determination?

If you answered yes to any of these (and especially if you answered yes to all of these), then you may want to consider a career as a paralegal.

At the very least, it probably deserves your further investigation.

Spend some more time on this site, researching the requirements to become a paralegal, and studying the programs offered by the many schools that can be found online.

You may just find that being a professionally certified paralegal is what will make you happy. And that is, of course, incredibly important to leading a life that fulfills you.

Additional Paralegal Job Description Information

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