Getting a Paralegal Bachelor Degree Online
Online Paralegal Programs

Getting a Paralegal bachelor degree online is easy! I did it as an at-home mom of two! Read my story of graduating through an online paralegal degree program

Our favorite, resident Paralegal shares her knowledge in this guest article about pursuing a Paralegal degree online

Earning your legal assistant bachelor degree online may be one of the wisest decisions you can makeif you are thinking of starting a new career in the paralegal sector of the legal system.

While it isn't necessary to qualify as a paralegal, more than fifty percent of all paralegals (or legal assistants) carry a bachelor's degree.

By having a bachelor's degree in paralegal studies or legal studies, you are letting your potential future employer know that you are serious about your profession.

You are saying, in essence, that you think the responsibilities of being a paralegal are important enough that you've spent the time, money, and effort to be thoroughly educated and trained in the job.

This will generally peak their interests far more than if you had merely an associate's degree or the bare minimum of a paralegal certificate.

Benefits of Getting A Paralegal Bachelor Degree Online

In order to get your bachelor's degree in paralegal or legal studies, you have to go to school. But here is where the road comes to a fork.

You have two options here.

You can:

  1. Get your degree in the traditional way - Attending a campus-based college or university for four years of class-taking, dorm-living, and cafeteria-eating... Or...
  2. Earn you legal assistant bachelor degree online - And save yourself from a lot of the hassles that physical institutions carry with them.

Find a School!

Think a career in criminology is for you?

Then start here & find a school for you!

The choice, ultimately, is yours.

But before you make such a life-altering decision, take a moment to read the following sections in which I'll talk about the benefits and advantages in getting your paralegal, legal assistant, or legal secretary bachelor degree online (by the way, a paralegal is a legal assistant and a legal assistant is a legal secretary).

Paralegal Schools Online: The Benefits

When I made the decision to leave the world of corporate America (a world in which I'd spent fifty to sixty hours a week, toiling away in a gray cubicle for close to two decades), I was ecstatic. I spent the next few years with my children as a stay at home mom.

But then, things got, well, boring. I missed working--but I didn't miss working in corporate America. After researching my options, I realized becoming a paralegal was my best option.

But I wasn't convinced on how to become a paralegal.

How could I possibly get educated while still being a stay at home mom?

The answer, as I was soon to realize, was simple: taking online paralegal courses & getting your paralegal bachelor degree online!

A friend of mine who had successfully completed a bachelor's degree from an Internet-based university--and been subsequently employed in his desired profession--told me of the many benefits she'd received by choosing this route over the more traditional one.

Some benefits of getting a paralegal bachelor degree online include:

  • Getting your degree in less time
  • Creating your own class work schedule
  • Attending school from the comfort of your own home (no matter where you live)
  • Not having to leave or uproot your family or miss every evening with them while you take night classes
  • Spending far less each year (up to ten times less)

Once I'd heard these great advantages I was immediately intrigued by earning my paralegal bachelor degree online. And not much later, I was dead set on it.

For you, it may take a little bit more persuasion. But don't worry! I did the research already and am here to share it with you--to show you the different online colleges and the kinds of degrees they offer.

I'm sure you'll fall as head-over-heels in love with idea as I did, and make a life-changing decision that you won't ever regret.

Find a School!

Think a career in criminology is for you?

Then start here & find a school for you!

Online Paralegal Degree Programs

Here's a look at various online paralegal schools that offer programs that will educate and train you for joining the professional legal world:

  • Kaplan University - Offers: Advanced Start BS in Paralegal Studies and BS in Paralegal Studies
  • Everest University - Offers: BA in Paralegal Studies
  • Keiser University - Offers: BA in Paralegal Studies
  • South University - Offers: BS in Legal Studies
  • Strayer University - Offers: BA in Legal Studies
  • Virginia College - Offers: BS in Paralegal Studies

Additional Paralegal Paralegal Bachelor Degree Online Information

How To Become A Paralegal - Requirements For A Parlegal Certificate - Interested in a paralegal career? I was & Changed careers mid-life! Learn from my story...

Online Paralegal Programs - Getting A Paralegal Degree Online - Online paralegal programs provide training & an education for you. Learn why I got my paralegal degree online...

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Paralegal Certificate Programs - Get an Online Paralegal Certificate - Countless paralegal certificate programs exist. Discover the best paralegal programs...

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My Paralegal Salary & Income - What's An Average Salary Of A Paralegal - Learn why I'm happy with my salary as a paralegal

Requirements to Become A Paralegal - How To Become A Legal Secretary - Learn the requirements to become a paralegal & read my story...

Accredited Paralegal Schools - Top Paralegal Schools & Online Programs - Did you know that only 250 accredited paralegal schools & universities exist...

What Is A Paralegal - What Does A Paralegal Do - As a legal seretary, I'm always asked, What is a Paralegal...

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